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Explore Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a vibrant suburb located just south of the Central Business District in Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city. It is named after the New York borough, and has many streets named after American presidents, plus its own Central Park.


Brooklyn’s shopping area is mainly on Cleveland Street and includes the Penthouse Cinema, Brooklyn Library, cafes and restaurants, two medical centres, a pharmacy and a variety of shops. Brooklyn has primary schools, parks and the Brooklyn Community Centre on Harrison Street. It can be reached via the following buses: number 7 to Kingston, number 17 to Kowhai Park and number 29 via Island Bay and Owhiro Bay. It is a quick drive or vigorous walk up Brooklyn Hill from the central city. South of Brooklyn, Ohiro Road descends through a bush-clad valley to Happy Valley and Owhiro Bay.


Places to Visit

Central Park

​Central Park runs down Brooklyn Hill from the top of Brooklyn Road to the city, and is a popular route for people walking or jogging to work in the city. The park has an adventure playground with sections for older and younger children. On the edge of the park is the Renouf Tennis Centre, Wellington’s main tennis venue. During World War II, Central Park was a camp for American servicemen.


​Elliot Park

​Elliot Park is in the west of Brooklyn, by Mitchell and Karepa Streets.


​Tanera Park

​Tanera Park is across Ohiro Road from Brooklyn Park. It has facilities for sports including soccer and cricket, with changing rooms, and is also home to the Tanera Community Gardens. These were set aside by the City Council in 1991 for community organisations and low income households to grow their own vegetables. The Gardens are managed by the Mokai Kainga Trust (Trust website).


Penthouse Cinema

Located on Ohiro Road just past the Brooklyn shops, the Penthouse was first opened as the Vogue Theatre in 1939. In the early 1950s it was turned into a studio and used to make television commercials. In 1975 it was purchased by Merv and Carol Kisby, who restored the building as a movie cinema and renamed it the Penthouse. It now features four screens and is still run by the Kisby family.



To find information about local playgrounds close to Brooklyn, including Central Park Playground, Mitchell Street Playground, Krull Street Park in Vogeltown, Berhampore Skate Park, the South Coast Kids Track or anywhere in New Zealand, please click on the link below to access the interactive map.


The Wind Turbine

The Brooklyn wind turbine is New Zealand’s oldest operating wind turbine. It was erected by the Electricity Corporation in 1993 as part of research into wind-power generation. It stands nearly 300 meters above sea level, and has become a Brooklyn icon, featured in ceramic tiles on the pavements of Cleveland Street. It is now owned by Meridian Energy.


Brooklyn School

58 Washington Avenue Phone: 389 6758

State, Years 1 to 8

School website

Education Review Office reports

St Bernard’s School

40 Taft Street Phone: 389 7931

State Integrated (Catholic), Year 1 to 8

School website

Education Review Office reports

Ridgway School

Mornington Road Phone: 939 8771

State, Years 1 to 8

School website

Education Review Office reports

Community Groups

Brooklyn Garden Club

Meets at 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month from March to October at the Reformed Church on Harrison Street.

New members and visitors welcome.

Contact Kathleen Skudder

Phone: 027 650 9108  Email:

Brooklyn Guides

Meet at the Reformed Church during school terms.

34 Harrison Street

Contact Kathryn Lawrie phone 802 5049 or email:

Brooklyn Local History Group

Meetings are held on a six weekly basis from 2pm – 4pm, usually at the Brooklyn Library. Please contact the convenor in case the advertised date or venue changes. Any input or queries are also welcome. Contact Sharon Macintyre on 027 634 4455 or email:


Brooklyn Northern United AFC (soccer club)

PO Box 9627

Marion Square

Wellington 6141


Brooklyn Northern United Junior Football Club

For any inquiries email:

Visit us online at:


Brooklyn Pippins

Meet at the Reformed Church during school terms.

34 Harrison Street

Contact Kathryn Lawrie phone 802 5049 or email:

Brooklyn Playgroup

A fun group for parents and caregivers with preschool children.

Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am to 11:30am during primary school terms at the Korean Church Hall at 184 Ohiro Road.

No need to book or register, just turn up on the day. Gold coin donation.

Follow them on Facebook:

Brooklyn Scouts, Cubs, Keas and Venturers

Brooklyn Scout Hall

24 Harrison Street

Contact John Morrison – Group Leader on 027 444 6513


View more online:


Brooklyn Toy Library

Brooklyn Toy Library is based in the Vogelmorn Precinct at 93 Mornington Road.  The Toy Library has been part of the Brooklyn Community for over 30 years and have a wide range of toys for children aged 0-7 years available to hire. Email: or visit us on Facebook at


Friends of Owhiro Stream (FOOS)

Working bees held on the second Saturday of the month.


Contact Martin Payne phone: 027 416 6770 email:

or Janet Campbell phone: 385 2077 email:

Brooklyn Walkers Group

Meets on Monday mornings (except public holidays) at approximately 9:30am, depending on the walk planned, outside the Brooklyn Library by the bus stop.

Walking programmes available from the Brooklyn Community Centre office or see the Community Group listings in the Brooklyn Tattler.

For more info contact Deborah on 934 2238 or Lindy on 027 356 5037.


Cats Protection Wellington

The cats at the shelter are waiting to be adopted every Saturday and Sunday from 12 – 4pm. We’re based in Kingston at 29 Vancouver Street just off Montreal Grove. Phone us on 389 9668 or follow us on Facebook/cpwgtn. View more online at


Greater Brooklyn Residents Association INC. representing Brooklyn, Mornington, Vogeltown, Kingston, Kowhai Park and Panorama Heights.

Meetings held every two months on a Wednesday evening at 7pm in the Brooklyn Community Centre lounge at 18 Harrison Street. Everybody welcome.

2023/2024 Executive: President – Katie Underwood. Secretary – Carl Savage. Treasurer – Matthew Underwood.


Like us on Facebook at:

Plunket Parents Group

Email: with “Parents Group” in the subject line.


Predator Free Brooklyn

Dedicated to ridding our suburb of rats through back yard trapping. We’re looking for volunteers to host traps on their properties. If you’d like to get involved please email us at:

Scrabble Wellington

Club nights every Wednesday evening from 7pm in the cafe area upstairs at the former Vogelmorn Bowling Club, 93 Mornington Road. All abilities welcome! First night free, then $5 per session. For more information contact Nick Ascroft. Email: or phone/text 022 675 1399.

St Bernard’s Parish

A member of the Catholic Parish of Wellington South

St Bernard’s held their final mass on Sunday 18 April 2021 and the Church at 37 Taft Street is now closed. Parishioners are still able to attend mass at 10:30am on the first Sunday of the month, in the St Bernard’s School hall opposite the Church.

Phone 934 4099




The Brooklyn Food Group

Local food and community. Working Bees held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 9:30am at the Brooklyn Orchard end of Harrison Street.



The Reformed Church of Wellington

34 Harrison Street


PO Box 27091

Marion Square

Wellington 6141

Ben McDonald – Pastor

Phone 384 2486 or email:

To inquire about room hire contact Ed Oosterbaan via email:

Turbine Talkers Toastmasters Club

Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from 7:15pm – 9:15pm at the Wellington Reformed Church at 34 Harrison Street.

PO Box 23233

Wellington 6140

Contact Sam on 022 436 8715 or Sylvie on 022 197 3610



Upstream – Friends of Central Park

Meets on the last Sunday of the month from 10am – 12noon at the Jetty, a few hundred metres along the main path on the right, beside the stream. There will be signs at the gate. Come along for great conversations, meet new people, fab morning tea and contribute to the care of Central Park.

For more information contact Lynne White. Email:

Vogelmorn Community Group

Based at the Vogelmorn Precinct, running workshops and events at the former Vogelmorn Bowling Clubrooms at 93 Mornington Road and the Vogelmorn Hall on the corner of Mornington Road and Vennell Street.

To find out what’s on or inquire about room and hall hire, contact Nicoletta Mancuso the Community Venue Manager on 021 189 6985 or email:

View more online at


Vogelmorn Tennis Club Inc

Club rooms

Cnr of Mornington Road & Vennell Street

Brooklyn 6021

Postal address

PO Box 11854

Manners Street

Wellington 6142

Club house phone 389 9757



Wellington Swords Club

Wellington Swords Club Building

Tanera Park

2 Tanera Cresent


Contact Vicci Lamb (Head Coach) 970 7496 (evenings only) or email:

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